Guys My cat wanna go to art school What shouid 1 do
This hunger crisis is urgent unprecedented AND avoidable youasked fora clear plan open books Here it ready totalk with you and anyone else whois serious about saving lives The ask is 668to avertfamine in 2022 The UN Took Elon Musks Dare Seriously Comes Back With 66 Billion Plan To Fight World Hunger
A kid in the park informed me that smoking was bad for you o WeTeYeJoXTo M TER o E11eYoy with my cigarette and told him so was talking to strangers
TONAVE VIR R oo o T NoleJU RN LT and says l want a hamburger 1 o RITT ENFToTo NI EY oTelqTo Te certainly sir will you be eating in or taking it out Fuck off you prick he snapped N AVEUEL IEAWETA love working in the prison commissary