avatar Joseph Mitchell
1 JOKINGLY MANSPLAINED VILB AND GOT MANSPLAINED HELP CANT STOP LAUGHING 00 l SeanichaelKane 10 Lana 5 nd Pt They are saying goals in reference to that stadium being the standard for other stadiums You really arent that smart are you Lana Bory o actualy s runs 1 v L

1 JOKINGLY MANSPLAINED VILB AND GOT MANSPLAINED HELP CANT STOP LAUGHING 00 l SeanichaelKane 10 Lana 5 nd Pt They are saying goals in reference to that stadium being the standard for other stadiums You really arent that smart are you Lana Bory o actualy s runs 1 v L

avatar Joseph Mitchell
OMG FINALLY GET IT You know when things heat they expand Im not fat Im hot

OMG FINALLY GET IT You know when things heat they expand Im not fat Im hot

avatar Gaie Houston
Picturing you naked is the most _ productive thing Ive done all day

Picturing you naked is the most _ productive thing Ive done all day

avatar Zoe ZZZ
e131 Crysis director says it was so hard to runiit became a meme because its highest settings were meant for future PCs l wanted to make sure Crysis does not age My shittyCompaq laptop onlowsettings

e131 Crysis director says it was so hard to runiit became a meme because its highest settings were meant for future PCs l wanted to make sure Crysis does not age My shittyCompaq laptop onlowsettings

avatar Gaie Houston
Andrea More amore_orless they should give you bread before stuff everywhere not just at restaurants alex AlexHersh Replying to amore_orless I would feel so much more comfortable at a job interview if we shared some bread and herbed oil before talking about my flaws as a human being

Andrea More amore_orless they should give you bread before stuff everywhere not just at restaurants alex AlexHersh Replying to amore_orless I would feel so much more comfortable at a job interview if we shared some bread and herbed oil before talking about my flaws as a human being

avatar Isabella Lewis
LLle oA el AV Te V F1g VRS To o boxing matches in the White House taking on anyone he could including professional boxers He Tl S eToToTTe W o T Ta 1o RS T MO TS eyesight was permanently damaged by a punch He later ST TTe R GBI VE VI Tale N o Yo 10 Y black belt

LLle oA el AV Te V F1g VRS To o boxing matches in the White House taking on anyone he could including professional boxers He Tl S eToToTTe W o T Ta 1o RS T MO TS eyesight was permanently damaged by a punch He later ST TTe R GBI VE VI Tale N o Yo 10 Y black belt

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