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В один момент ты просто начинаешь х ево выглядеть ни после попойки ни после тяжелого рабочего дня ни утром ни поздней ночью а постоянно 1122 ь во мне утала т того что ящ ъ

В один момент ты просто начинаешь х ево выглядеть ни после попойки ни после тяжелого рабочего дня ни утром ни поздней ночью а постоянно 1122 ь во мне утала т того что ящ ъ

avatar Gaie Houston
O Celina 52 Truck Stop e X 2h We appreciate all customers who let us know of any disabilities ahead of time Have a nice day buddy

O Celina 52 Truck Stop e X 2h We appreciate all customers who let us know of any disabilities ahead of time Have a nice day buddy

avatar Isabella Lewis
ELEEF ARGV EELET Y QUERVERRETE The Thanksgiving was 37 was dating a ISRV go o Ko NARTaTe My WASIS G a ORI 33 was dating the 25 year old son of the ARNERYEldgleN Partway through Thanksgiving dinner my dad got up went outside and mowed my sisters yard to calm himself down

ELEEF ARGV EELET Y QUERVERRETE The Thanksgiving was 37 was dating a ISRV go o Ko NARTaTe My WASIS G a ORI 33 was dating the 25 year old son of the ARNERYEldgleN Partway through Thanksgiving dinner my dad got up went outside and mowed my sisters yard to calm himself down

avatar Olivia Veqqie
Bekah Owsley bekah_owsley Just overheard my 54 year old dad tell my 58 year old aunt dont tell mom So apparently thats a lifelong thing

Bekah Owsley bekah_owsley Just overheard my 54 year old dad tell my 58 year old aunt dont tell mom So apparently thats a lifelong thing

avatar Gaie Houston
may the food i eat today give me strength and energy instead of bloating and gas amen

may the food i eat today give me strength and energy instead of bloating and gas amen

avatar Anthony Miller
Georgia Shenk GeorgiaShenk When was 15 my mom made me and my 13 yr old brother clean out our ears bc she didnt think we could hear her SIORWYNele ReTote e R iVlel N aViale aWlole eye popped out of my brothers ear and this dude SCREAMED finally then told us it had been there since he was in the 2nd grade

Georgia Shenk GeorgiaShenk When was 15 my mom made me and my 13 yr old brother clean out our ears bc she didnt think we could hear her SIORWYNele ReTote e R iVlel N aViale aWlole eye popped out of my brothers ear and this dude SCREAMED finally then told us it had been there since he was in the 2nd grade

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