Мое самое большое разочарование в жизни было в младших классах 1335 Празднуем Новый год в младшей школе а Дед Мороз в кедах 1335 Я подхожу к нему спрашиваю чего так почему не в валенках 1335 А он отвечает Пошел навжяй 1336
Joseph Mitchell
the moon landing was staged yeah thats how all orbital rockets fucking work dude
John Paul
la flama blanca NewportAshes Autism not being a thing in the 60s is hilarious to me Like there was just that one dude in the office that remembered everyones birthdays and they were just like yeah thats Jeff hes smart as shit the whole time the boy is just tismd up 502 AM 103122 Twitter for Phone
Sophia Rich
Carlos Digital o BopDigos The trailer is being forced as an ad to inflate the numbers My daughter watching ACTITLER CI GIEN N ET TN Man this is desperate 7 Readers added context The point of trailers is to advertise the movie enwikipediaorgwikiTrailer
Charlie Chocolate
MR LeoP wm Leo P 2008 Replying to sarahlug For my 21st Blrthday my dad called me wanting to get my first drink with him except it wasnt my 21st birthday It was my 18th When jokingly asked how old he thought was he proudly laughed and said My bad for got youre 22 today
Anthony Miller
Being an adult is realizing 1000 is little money to have but a lot to owe 2
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