avatar Jeremy Jordan
1ESS REALU Responsibility price of rights You cantmake me they say Do you smoke inside buildings No Do you wear a seat belt Yes Do 0u stop at red lights and stop signs es Why Because the government makes laws for public safety and be cause decent people in civilized so cieties show respect and care for fel Jow human beings even if it is not the law You cant make me is the re sponse a young child h

1ESS REALU Responsibility price of rights You cantmake me they say Do you smoke inside buildings No Do you wear a seat belt Yes Do 0u stop at red lights and stop signs es Why Because the government makes laws for public safety and be cause decent people in civilized so cieties show respect and care for fel Jow human beings even if it is not the law You cant make me is the re sponse a young child h

avatar Zoe ZZZ
Spiders dont have muscles in their legs they move them using a hydraulic system powered by their blood pressure When they die their legs curl up because the blood pressure is gone

Spiders dont have muscles in their legs they move them using a hydraulic system powered by their blood pressure When they die their legs curl up because the blood pressure is gone

avatar Mark Manson
4 A _ wife when she goes out for a girls night

4 A _ wife when she goes out for a girls night

avatar Joseph Mitchell
avatar Gaie Houston
Women when they have to admit they were wrong and apologize e U

Women when they have to admit they were wrong and apologize e U

avatar Sophia Rich
B RS Archer archer_rs French TV journalists commenting on the UK today The English didnt know why they wanted to leave the EU they didnt understand what what happen when they did they dont like the consequences of leaving and now they dont want the treaty that they negotiated

B RS Archer archer_rs French TV journalists commenting on the UK today The English didnt know why they wanted to leave the EU they didnt understand what what happen when they did they dont like the consequences of leaving and now they dont want the treaty that they negotiated

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