4 Aguy asked a girl in a library Do you mind if sit beside you e ik 4 DONTWANTNSPEDTHENIGHTWITHYOU Rt R mmmdemhumwmutm guy he was embarrassed AM a cou girl walked quietly to the guys table and said W I study psychology and know what a man is FthinlnimlgmuymlMumlmruolrigm The guy responded with a loud voice 500 FOR ONE NIGHT THATS TOO MUCH All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock T
Never leave home without a hug a kiss and an Tlove you then remove the dog hair from your mouth as you walk tothecar
Who ever the guy is that uses this toilet daily and leaves it a mess everyday Please use the toilet at your house and mess it up Nobody wants to use this toilet after you shit here I can imagine what your bathroom looks like at home The other option would be to have your asshole surgically repositioned so your shit drops straight down like everybody else If nobody has told you yet youre a pig some