avatar Patricia Lee
9 Dan Price DanPriceSeattle Saturday marks the first time America has ever gone 12 years without a minimum wage increase It was 725 on July 24 20009 But with inflation it is now worth 576 Stop asking if businesses can afford it and start asking why workers got an effective pay cut for 12 years

9 Dan Price DanPriceSeattle Saturday marks the first time America has ever gone 12 years without a minimum wage increase It was 725 on July 24 20009 But with inflation it is now worth 576 Stop asking if businesses can afford it and start asking why workers got an effective pay cut for 12 years

avatar Anthony Miller
t 2024 Presidential Candidate Richa tacticaldipshit imagining an alternate timeline where I CREERERANER S l 1ale loeSTSIVER1gle Neolo S SRSl NETS feminine and DMX has a bunch of ElOSA O E I EINEOSR LGN SH LAY W ST A I AV a T g o AV pTe o e

t 2024 Presidential Candidate Richa tacticaldipshit imagining an alternate timeline where I CREERERANER S l 1ale loeSTSIVER1gle Neolo S SRSl NETS feminine and DMX has a bunch of ElOSA O E I EINEOSR LGN SH LAY W ST A I AV a T g o AV pTe o e

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writers when a female character needs to find out shes pregnant

writers when a female character needs to find out shes pregnant

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Will Smith finally looks how he did in the 1994 episode of Fresh Prince where he dresses up as someones dad

Will Smith finally looks how he did in the 1994 episode of Fresh Prince where he dresses up as someones dad

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ol s 1o v _ Y ilovesmokingmid We think we want sex Its not always about sex Ilts intimacy we want ilo o1h ee T M WeTe Cle K W Vo a0I 10 Smiled at Laugh with someone Feel safe Feel like someones really got you Thats what we crave

ol s 1o v _ Y ilovesmokingmid We think we want sex Its not always about sex Ilts intimacy we want ilo o1h ee T M WeTe Cle K W Vo a0I 10 Smiled at Laugh with someone Feel safe Feel like someones really got you Thats what we crave

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