0ZZY MAN REVIEWS 2 MIN READ Cow caught casually eating snake in outback Australia w D 91k 14K comments 16K shares 5 EThRe COTTHTIert 5 Share y S s am confused as to how the food chain works in Australia I e
Agni Gauss
sunflower spinubzilla miss how Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network only aired commercials aimed at kids wish there was an option for that on Hulu and Youtube like please no more insurance or antidepressants please only show me the latest in super soaker technology 602 AM 82220 Twitter for iPhone
Agni Gauss
Umm actually Al lives OF course all lives matter dude The point of the phrase is that black lives are being treated as expendable by the police and the government that emplogs them If someone says sove the rainforest you dont respond actualy save ALL forests do you Just because we need to save the rainforest doesnt mean other forests have no valve Its just one needs our Focus right now because the
Agni Gauss
BBC News s6m Q Geologist Lance Karlson said he was shocked and confused as the angriest octopus he had ever seen whipped him with his tentacles e BB CINEAVAN 4 BBCCOUK Man beaten up by furious octopus in Australia D 28K 508 Comments 487 Shares fb Like D Comment d Share
Agni Gauss
Y Jeff Tiedrich l EUENERE IRV R U TaTo Mg RN 1A gl cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated at seliiTale WelaF 10Te Mool glo SR e M4 I1S fake charity and cheated students at his scam university has been cheating his campaign donors get the fuck out of here LR OO 1 I 07 Vo g2t B KV 1 T o Y o
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