retrogamingblog2 If you ever feel useless remember 20 HP 50 HP Potions in pokemon are less effective then a bottle of water
Jacob Junior
After reading my response her loins left feeling Eated 0823 ol T Cailey Unusual skils finding a way to say fuck five times in the same sentence Fucking browser history deleted Fucking phone yeeted Fucking holy water needed Fucking meat BEATED That fucking last one Regreeted 18 Send Like Cancel
Olivia Veqqie
Anonymous 091021Fri225714 No65335239 walk into class your crush is tied up like this what do you do 38 KB JPG Anonymous 091021Fri225809 No65335246 65339998 Anonymous 091021Fri225920 No65335252 65340295 Anonymous 091021Fri225925 No65335254 65335264 65339074 Anonymous 091021Fri230024 No65335263 Im back in school again do things right this time do all my homework study hard go to a cheap college get
Jacob Junior
DeeDee Delilah B FantaCarrot_231 Im just saying Theres absolutely no way a 12 Yr old knows for sure that shes a polyamorous androgynous gender Nuetral non binary pansexual demi boy whos pronouns are XimXer She got that shit from tumblr and the grown adults grooming her there Take her phone away
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