avatar Gaie Houston
avatar jojo9
AT N R TRTTEN extremely tired would VLT VERTT BTG CT E T LO TR TTESE T g T T 140 person right away

AT N R TRTTEN extremely tired would VLT VERTT BTG CT E T LO TR TTESE T g T T 140 person right away

avatar Sophia Rich
1 was at college once and this girl asked me how tosign into the fucking computer ignored her for about 30 seconds and was thinking whether or not 1 should help her while she looked at me the entire time Another girl must of saw what was going on and saw my hesitation and helped her before could lol

1 was at college once and this girl asked me how tosign into the fucking computer ignored her for about 30 seconds and was thinking whether or not 1 should help her while she looked at me the entire time Another girl must of saw what was going on and saw my hesitation and helped her before could lol

avatar jojo9
matched with a girl last night on tinder we started talking about where we were from and Stuff like that have pics of me boxing at my boxing gym and she said shes going to start boxing too asked her where at and she said the name of my gym she said something that turned me off She referred to me as bro to me when girls refer to me as this It gives me they have guy friends vibes honestly Anyways to

matched with a girl last night on tinder we started talking about where we were from and Stuff like that have pics of me boxing at my boxing gym and she said shes going to start boxing too asked her where at and she said the name of my gym she said something that turned me off She referred to me as bro to me when girls refer to me as this It gives me they have guy friends vibes honestly Anyways to

avatar Gaie Houston
whenever im having a bad day i just google birds behind glasses of water and it helps A RT MY PINNED s V sailorboba Im gonna have nightmares about the second one

whenever im having a bad day i just google birds behind glasses of water and it helps A RT MY PINNED s V sailorboba Im gonna have nightmares about the second one

avatar jojo9
X oo When you comment Mine on your girls selfie and she deletes your comment

X oo When you comment Mine on your girls selfie and she deletes your comment

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