avatar Wildone2
avatar Wildone2
mthew IV EE GO IR T U know that feeling of anxiety as youre about to walk past the security sensors on your way ol o IR ol 1 e VR 3111 Qolayle did shove a tv up my ass i cant remember

mthew IV EE GO IR T U know that feeling of anxiety as youre about to walk past the security sensors on your way ol o IR ol 1 e VR 3111 Qolayle did shove a tv up my ass i cant remember

avatar Wildone2
Ladies if you come across a man who is smart humble well educated financially secure passionate patient mind blowing in bed hot great at fixing things around the house can cook loves you like he can never get enough of you and listens to every word you say Then please be assured that the shit you are smoking is of superior quality

Ladies if you come across a man who is smart humble well educated financially secure passionate patient mind blowing in bed hot great at fixing things around the house can cook loves you like he can never get enough of you and listens to every word you say Then please be assured that the shit you are smoking is of superior quality

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1 was walking down the street when was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby looking homeless man who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner I took out my wallet extracted ten dollars and askedIf give you this money will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner No had to stop drinking years ago the homeless man replied Will you use it to go fishing instead of buying food asked No don

1 was walking down the street when was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby looking homeless man who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner I took out my wallet extracted ten dollars and askedIf give you this money will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner No had to stop drinking years ago the homeless man replied Will you use it to go fishing instead of buying food asked No don

avatar Aiex Sandra
avatar Wildone2
Radio DdJ Sorry were no longer allowed to play Baby Its Cold Outside But anyway heres Cardi B tellmg everyone to eat her ass wst BE

Radio DdJ Sorry were no longer allowed to play Baby Its Cold Outside But anyway heres Cardi B tellmg everyone to eat her ass wst BE

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