EYOCW N CY g o B o BT L I 0 1 GRS S Y R TS main crops including winter squash corn and climbing beans close together so that they can GV G CRET O GV G TG S E L T SR R TR the beans to climb the beans provide nitrogen to the LT R R G T R RS EL LR o RIS E U 1T R G BT R G CRE TEE W EL S o R G R ground holding moisture and preventing weeds
Gaie Houston
A warning is not a threat but a 1 spoken threat is a foolish warning to give to your Z 2 enemies If a man is worth threatening then he is worth killing Cut him down before a word is spoken Otherwise keep your tongue prudently sheathed along with your sword o Akiyama Munenoshi
In South Africa people dont understand why restaurants and shops are open but beaches are closed Finally the President explained Scientists tell us this virus will be coming in waves that is why we have decided to close the beaches
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