A Wife Is Suspicious About Her Husband One day while Sue was cleaning under the bed she found a small box Curious she opened it and found 3 eggs and 10000 dollars A little bit suspicious she confronted her husband of twenty years about it Oh that Frank said Every time cheated on you put an egg in this box Ciia wae a hit iinhannv ahnAinit thie Sue was a bit unhappy about this but figured that 3 aff
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A CR S ST OI o SIS Y7 3 23 __ An elderly man and woman IR NN o g Talo NeSY Mt R 11 I gl They are enjoying their conversation so much that Wial TaRuaN o1l 111NN d o STed o oNelelaldaVI R 1aRd o R Vol a g 10 kS apartment After a time things start getting ol1nnYA el ast T ol del 1ale Rd o TVAVIoTo STe Mgl olle NI WET o e SA N oTod s M YVil gle there staring at the ceiling The old man is thinking Gosh
Something hilarious in this photo Dont say anything Cant un see it once you see it though
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