Sophia Rich
Sophia Rich
Viethamese coffee is the strongest one in the world Oh How strong can it be Man Who Drank 1 Vietnamese Coffee in 207 Asleep
Gaie Houston
dont care if youre vaccinated or unvaccinated Im just tired of hearing about it Can we talk about something else now
lee denure
Two engineering students were walking across campus when one said Where did you get such a great bike L YT Ve V Yo T YoY Y Y oY FEYC MGV V Y I RVVZCTS walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike She threw the bike to the ground took off all her clothes and said Take what you Vo11 B The second engineer nodded o T 1T Yo VA Good choice the clothes proba
Charlie Chocolate
the biggest governments in the world cant stop a virus from spreading but claim they can stop global warming if you just _pay more taxes
Patricia Lee