1 ngpetals Dear God I know that Im not perfect I know sometimes I forget to pray I know I have questioned my faith I know sometimes I lose my temper but thank you for loving me unconditionally and giving me another day to start over again
John Paul
If Russia lays down its weapons there is no war If Ukraine lays down its weapons there is no Ukraine A quote heard today from a Ukrainian Christian
Jeremy Jordan
29 USA is the only country that bases X To VeTe iogle RVgTelIaTe Help olfeTelTgsATo MMV lle fiolelol 4 children will get a poorer leVeletelaRiaIVY olTgol U ol ig e olelVTg VA kN RV e VAo RVT T oliyeTel o RSIVE 10 o W CTT ok oT0lVYT to itself It wont change until we elplelplelN MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
Isabella Lewis
CTR TS G TR CI TEROVL ET G G X for hours Ralph suddenly realized CRAVETN o el T8 O T emotional support dog after all m
Olivia Veqqie
LEIGEICH I E g Wars game ever WEL CR R T exclusively for the 0 O STARWARS ZITE RS SR UR L KNIGHTS OLD REPUBLIC ENAKE g N S N G ELGE R PlayStation YT
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