arrjimlad Barbie in the newest movie looks ke if Eisa from Frozen was in Mass Dont ask me why I know this B voweramor ithought this was a constable frozen edit BB werociamin Apparently the plot for this movie is that all the stars are dying and barbie needs to find a way to stop the universe succumbing to a cold dark end which is honestly more terrifying than a lot of actual scifi svagmagoi0 Barbi
Jacob Junior
1 am four eels Never meant to makegyour daughter cry Bw A TWEET By BaNALY I am several fish and not a guy TLLUSTRATEDINTERNET Conl DAmI LEE
Gaie Houston
Its Friday Peter is asleep Judas has betrayed him Mary is crying Hope is lost Death has won Satan is laughing Jesus is buried A soldier stands guard A rock is rolled into place But Sunday is Coming GoodFriday
Jeremy Jordan
Ron Filipkowski 4W RonFilipkowski alelaWolTe ol CRIaWBEYIFETSRNW o0 have been waiting all morning for JFK Jr to make his miraculous appearance are o1 1Tg Mlelor 1NaTolo g TI 1 CC NEVE
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