Side project a few more hours and t Oh wait just will be up and ru had an idea Veah Well no actually e nearly finished the other one so 1 just wanted to test out this other thing CommitStripcom
Isabella Lewis
PIRES gpeTson 85 mi life size Ronald Reagan statue very detailed down to hair follicles teeth eyes skin vintage clothing etc a0
Joseph Mitchell
DVW v 3 EREVAVETN I Millennials is used in the media to infantilize discredit and instill distrust oi1aNTe Be1Te MaPTo EAVVola gl M eVAS earning fed up generation of 30 SelpglcliplialeSHVilaleRiglte0leaRiplA VeI i oi oe 1 Siga W elolfY o U 1 13YA government corruption and a resurgence of hate violence
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