Peter H Diamandis MD BCIEEIETMET IS Elon Musk is giving 100 million to 1 lalsR aleNet TaRilale RRZYA e N o1 carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or oceans and SIS CR g e V1 oYA Tale RSV 11g F 10Y2 Personally think 100 million is a bargain a Ken Tremendous CICTRIGEIER e V 09 This is a tree This is what trees do
Olivia Veqqie
Clairetiit awkwardfoxes tried to translate a bag of chinese rice crackers using google translate and these are some of the ingredients it gave me Beans Candycori fube ol green meat horse young i il i small eggs Pig fif B sond Srall tables Alcohtl Tosle Add Mayo Sand sesame o sesame o sesane ol seene o sky beans Elokobond y saenoh human pelty bourgeoise green cake hilnachne Seduction Ilove lobacco
Charlie Chocolate
Gilbert gottfried rip you legend feb 28 1995 april 12 2022 i Nt
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