Andrew Wortman AmoneyResists LYo VRV o l 5 VT T 21T T B W TGV citizen who has never worked for the US govtinvestigated but dont want Jared or Ivanka investigated for earning 640 million while in the WH and then getting 2 billion from REWAVE TRV VT RN Y oo IgN conducting a witch hunt Lets see Ivanka Jareds laptops And cell phones And desktops And emails And anything else that might contain the rece
Charlie Chocolate
Building a nice summer camp for A ETTEIS
Mark Manson
Lets crowd the local gym at 530 pm starter pack o tymFailNation
Olivia Veqqie
Shannon Watts shannonrwatts NEW Austin police shot and killed entrepreneur Rajan Moonesinghe on as he held a rifle on his own porch in a state where open carry is legal and unregulated Texas police arrived after 911 caller said a man was pointing a rifle down the street nbcnewscom He did nothing wrong Family of Texas entrepreneur fatally shot by police say he was
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