avatar Isabella Lewis
avatar Patricia Lee
wWhen youre given 53 when you explicitly asked for 34

wWhen youre given 53 when you explicitly asked for 34

avatar John Paul
Loy i incys Elon suspended Kathy Griffin for mocking him He suspended Elonlet for holding him accountable and has now delayed his tweets He suspended loft wing actvsts for the trth Space Karenis all about free speech until hs own ass s on the ine Eo o L o

Loy i incys Elon suspended Kathy Griffin for mocking him He suspended Elonlet for holding him accountable and has now delayed his tweets He suspended loft wing actvsts for the trth Space Karenis all about free speech until hs own ass s on the ine Eo o L o

avatar John Paul
Twitter Safety lwitierSafety 50 Wev updato our vt Intormation pofcy toprotiit haring somson el Sl e S O o s o Twitter Safety T tersarety 501 When someone shares an individuals v location on Twitter thee s an increased risk of physicalharm Moving forward well remove Tweets that share this information and accounts dedicated to sharing someone elses aTwiterSafety You can still share your own live loc

Twitter Safety lwitierSafety 50 Wev updato our vt Intormation pofcy toprotiit haring somson el Sl e S O o s o Twitter Safety T tersarety 501 When someone shares an individuals v location on Twitter thee s an increased risk of physicalharm Moving forward well remove Tweets that share this information and accounts dedicated to sharing someone elses aTwiterSafety You can still share your own live loc

avatar Zoe ZZZ
avatar Olivia Veqqie
People run from rain but sit in bathtubs full 2 of water Charles Bukowski via bittersweetsongs Wow bukowski so profound do you also bathe fully clothed you dickhead Oohh isnt it funny that a person will eat when theyre hungry but will duck if you throw an apple at their face via artfucker1996

People run from rain but sit in bathtubs full 2 of water Charles Bukowski via bittersweetsongs Wow bukowski so profound do you also bathe fully clothed you dickhead Oohh isnt it funny that a person will eat when theyre hungry but will duck if you throw an apple at their face via artfucker1996

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