Ethan Dunne
Ethan Dunne
Top 10 Things To Do In An Elevator 1Stand silently and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off 2Crack open your briefcase or purse and while peering inside ask Got enough air in there 3Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up then scream Thats minel 4Leave a box in the corner and when some one gets on ask them if they can hear ticking 5Stare grinning at another pas
Ethan Dunne
If atheif forces you to take money out of an ATM do not argue or resist What you do is punch in your pin backwards EX if its 1234 youll type 4321When do that the money will come out but will be stuck in the slot The machine will immediately alert the local police without the robbers knowledge begin taking photos of the suspect Every ATM has the feature Stay safe
Ethan Dunne