What it is wtf tfw ftw whatthe that feeling for the fuck when win How I see it wtf tfw ftw what the the fuck fuck the fuck what what
Isabella Lewis
Me who was weird in high school so no one DMs me
Charlie Chocolate
The Current Year Hiker Ounces become V ERGEIR is 5 0z too heavy Y o3 1o ISTT11 W BT eET o T y la Tam Ming into hell s and these cast iron pans S are coming with me T
Charlie Chocolate
Bernie Sanders BernieSand 1d Have you ever avoided taking an ambulance because you could not afford it Qrsis W69 Q937K A The ambulance popital Qa3 12 Qe M Replying to o o1 S what in the god damn fuck is it then sir not your taxi to the
Gaie Houston
Whats the dumbest thing youve ever heard Discussion 70k W 69k share BEST COMMENTS 1 Award GR CTIAVLCIge LR GEAEEEN EE R ER T CE girl who was in her late 20s told me that was making her uncomfortable havent said a word the whole trip so asked how could make the situation better She said she didnt like how i kept playing with the fidget stick in the middle of L2 T N T B TE TR ER G EL R G R ER G E IC
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