avatar Zoe ZZZ
avatar Zoe ZZZ
LCUR IR DR S ele VR 2V peem_doc As a PedsCU doc for over 25 years MEVCRELCHNET NI R ETR el N EINA N with vaccine preventable illnesses Many before the vaccines became available fewer but still many after The suffering of the child and family is never minor Whats happening in TN is inexcusable 343 PM 14 Jul 21 Twitter for iPhone X ROV CRC RO CREVEL G JRICH i Q 3 Ken Tegtmeyer MD FCCM FAAP 8 p 6h Va

LCUR IR DR S ele VR 2V peem_doc As a PedsCU doc for over 25 years MEVCRELCHNET NI R ETR el N EINA N with vaccine preventable illnesses Many before the vaccines became available fewer but still many after The suffering of the child and family is never minor Whats happening in TN is inexcusable 343 PM 14 Jul 21 Twitter for iPhone X ROV CRC RO CREVEL G JRICH i Q 3 Ken Tegtmeyer MD FCCM FAAP 8 p 6h Va

avatar Agni Gauss
vweomiuw A Petting dogs is actually good for your health study finds WebMD Feature by James Nielssen WebMD Feature Archive 4 lemonoxide this article was written by a dog in disguise to get pet by ALL the humans

vweomiuw A Petting dogs is actually good for your health study finds WebMD Feature by James Nielssen WebMD Feature Archive 4 lemonoxide this article was written by a dog in disguise to get pet by ALL the humans

avatar Isabella Lewis
Tom ALY Replying to My Grandad is 75 next year he didnt fight two world wars for this sillyness Q 15 A 97 Q 312 o Bobo N1 ALY The first woria war was more than 100 years ago How did your granddad fight that Q 7 M 2 Q 95 o Tom ALY He didnt fight as just said Q 25 1 83 O 1030 L

Tom ALY Replying to My Grandad is 75 next year he didnt fight two world wars for this sillyness Q 15 A 97 Q 312 o Bobo N1 ALY The first woria war was more than 100 years ago How did your granddad fight that Q 7 M 2 Q 95 o Tom ALY He didnt fight as just said Q 25 1 83 O 1030 L

avatar Gaie Houston
The reason we all work KoTo I VES Vo Gl o YU o oo Al o o 038 L

The reason we all work KoTo I VES Vo Gl o YU o oo Al o o 038 L

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