Испив чаю с лимоном по старинной русской привычке надо съесть лимонную дольку из чая И изобразить Сызрань на лице Это как
МККО Еа МИНПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ назвало дату начала работьп колледжов К51 А также школов и институтей вмоы Нету таких словей опа Не словей а словов Не зная падежов не говори глупостев
Jeremy Jordan
gave this man a ide today He couldnt stop crying He was walking across town with flowers in his hand and asked him where couid take him He said the cemetery He was still crying and saying God Bless You 100k him to the cemetery and waited for him could hear him talking to the anged headstone and what heard my ife He said mom made you a promise when was young that d buy you flowers for every all you
Patricia Lee