Princess Diana Beyonce and Kylie Jenner all got cheated on dont stand a chance o G girlyzar jirlyzar It doesnt matter how good you look its about the quality of the man you have at your side
Jacob Junior
LULELE Bl Pro tip dont trade on a phone with a curved CEEVA
Patricia Lee
IN0B2124 1943 0247708 S Re 2img JPG 20K 640 x 360 1724208250761255jpg ey i _w tea rhymes with pee the shot is framed in a way where it looks like David is going pee pee into his creators cup this shows the contempt brewing like a kettle of tea in David for his creator Bravo Ridley Scott
Anthony Miller
oh wow its the only map of the US again Anthony Pompliano Americans in the southeast die 10 20 years earlier than people in other parts of the country Shocking when you see it visualized like this Credit Jeremy Ney Life Expectancy in America
Joseph Mitchell
VRTE TIE M o FIEMNL f A MR Lyl 3 A mandatory service charge of 15 will be added to your bil
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