Jacob Junior
Patricia Lee
g A Crime a Day CrimeADay 1d Excuse me Thats pasteurized process CHEESE FOOD to you and 21 USC 333 21 CFR 133173a1 make it a federal crime to sell it unless its made in a homogeneous plastic mass elle ellegist 3d its so funny how americans dont have proper cheese Imao Like what is this Are you ok O 39 231 Q 1391 L
Isabella Lewis
All the Motivation You Need to Hit the Gym by Johnny Webber 1 No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everybody on the couch 2 What seems so hard now will one day be your warm up 3 Summer bodies are made in the winter 4 Pain is temporary Quitting lasts forever 5 When you feel like giving up remember how many people you have to prove wrong 6 Fitness isnt about being better than anyone else
Mark Manson