When youre trying to snag that special beaver
An old man gets on a crowded bus and no one gives him a seat As the bus shakes and rattles the old mans cane slips on the floor and he falls down As he gets up a seven year old kid sitting nearby turns to him and says If you put a little rubber thingy on the end of your stick it wouldnt slip The old man snaps back Well if your daddy did the same thing seven years ago would have a seat today
Jeremy Jordan
ATV RV R Toa Yo R oM pa R E Lo N SIVEN R ETRTe10 o B o IR Ye 18 doTel I63Y on guns CEWI A S e T 9 Moderate Restrictions 14 Minima__lRestrictions 29 RPGs fofrsal_e atW_aImart 0 51 892 votes 7 hours 34 minutes left
Olivia Veqqie