Jeremy Jordan
ATV RV R Toa Yo R oM pa R E Lo N SIVEN R ETRTe10 o B o IR Ye 18 doTel I63Y on guns CEWI A S e T 9 Moderate Restrictions 14 Minima__lRestrictions 29 RPGs fofrsal_e atW_aImart 0 51 892 votes 7 hours 34 minutes left
Olivia Veqqie
e e e e e e e g R File image ipg 37 KB 405x509 be me in high school walk into class and sit next to girl R G ERLIGET L E DL LRV BT E g shes also a smartass pull out chemistry homework get stuck on the first question R R LR TR B RV B T ignored ask again she does it but is an ass about it she says this is the easiest thing ive done all day pissed jpg the intercom tums on for the pledges everyone sta
Jeremy Jordan