Agni Gauss
A Robert Reich 1 RBReich Its a tiny window of opportunity Dems have had the presidency AND both houses of Congress in only 4 of the past 28 years So be bold damn it
Agni Gauss
Brian Tyler Cohen N briantylercohen If were really trying to protect children maybe we stop focusing on the trans community and start focusing on Republican lawmakers 505 PM 4221 Twitter for iPhone
Agni Gauss
Jason O Gilbert gilbertjasono Democrats Attempting to pass a multi trillion e Lo ETRTR N VIN o1 R e W T o ET e E Te I ale WEVZS and internet Republicans ELLERVELER T NGlelol e EeEN V SRV EYR I We Tl sTe R U T EVER N AUE e TTaTo J o E E T HTHE SN Y IRV ol g Al 02 I NTT1 4 DJTel
Agni Gauss