A student and a teacher sit on the doorstep of a school after an anonymous call about a mass shooting armed attack threat Delaware USA 1973
Isabella Lewis
ShotSlayer Reddit FM 1 day ago Would you rather your pet dies or 10 random children in another country die Pet 38 10 children 62 63 comments What color are the children WintersSonReturned
Agni Gauss
Joseph Mitchell
Jesse Kelly 3 JesseKellyDC In case youre wondering if olo IR eIF TatRe10 KTToTe BYe0 o g to die in a war for the sake of their poll numbers just know 1T FT R 10 g W oIToT o SR oo IEEYY life saving medications to force you into taking a vaccine And they did it without a moment of hesitation V oY ot 1 P
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