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A Woman Announces To Her Friend That She Is Getting Married For The Fourth Time How Wonderful But I Hope You Dont Mind Me Asking What Happened To Your First Husband He Ate Poisonous Mushrooms And Died Oh How Tragic What About Your Second Husband He Ate Poisonous Mushrooms Too And Died Oh How Terrible Im Almost Afraid To Ask You About Your Third Husband He Died Of A Broken Neck A Broken Neck He Wou

A Woman Announces To Her Friend That She Is Getting Married For The Fourth Time How Wonderful But I Hope You Dont Mind Me Asking What Happened To Your First Husband He Ate Poisonous Mushrooms And Died Oh How Tragic What About Your Second Husband He Ate Poisonous Mushrooms Too And Died Oh How Terrible Im Almost Afraid To Ask You About Your Third Husband He Died Of A Broken Neck A Broken Neck He Wou

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A Couple Was Having Dinner At A Fancy Restaurant As The Food Was Served Husband The Food Looks Delicious Lets Eat Wife HoneyYou Say Prayer Before Eating At Home Husband Thats At Home Sweetheart Here The Chef Knows How To Cook

A Couple Was Having Dinner At A Fancy Restaurant As The Food Was Served Husband The Food Looks Delicious Lets Eat Wife HoneyYou Say Prayer Before Eating At Home Husband Thats At Home Sweetheart Here The Chef Knows How To Cook

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ALR ACR TOTERNTET C1 wedding when one of them CENELROCI SCR GERI GET gE asked How many wives can ENGEL EV r al TER CHT answered Sixteen four TA CIA CITT TTT EM CT lg ELD RIT To LT A

ALR ACR TOTERNTET C1 wedding when one of them CENELROCI SCR GERI GET gE asked How many wives can ENGEL EV r al TER CHT answered Sixteen four TA CIA CITT TTT EM CT lg ELD RIT To LT A

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Simple way to kill Mosquitoes WHITE TEQUILA The mosquito thinks that the salt is sugar When he eats the salt he is going to get thirsty Thinking the white tequila is water He drinks it gets drunk He starts to walk away but he trips over the stick hitting his head on the rock and dies of head injuries

Simple way to kill Mosquitoes WHITE TEQUILA The mosquito thinks that the salt is sugar When he eats the salt he is going to get thirsty Thinking the white tequila is water He drinks it gets drunk He starts to walk away but he trips over the stick hitting his head on the rock and dies of head injuries

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when you realize that erasers slowly die for your mistakes

when you realize that erasers slowly die for your mistakes

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