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AF AF Post AFpost 10h Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas have indicated they wish to review Obergefell v Hodges gay marriage ruling Follow AFpost

AF AF Post AFpost 10h Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas have indicated they wish to review Obergefell v Hodges gay marriage ruling Follow AFpost

avatar Zoe ZZZ
rhaenyra targaryens lawyer Targ_Nation if someone asked me to give an example of a storyline that meant absolutely nothing and led absolutely nowhere i would show them this

rhaenyra targaryens lawyer Targ_Nation if someone asked me to give an example of a storyline that meant absolutely nothing and led absolutely nowhere i would show them this

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VELCROIERTRIS ETn e ITER C Reason Im thinking that we need to make her EINTIIES Mitchell County North Carolina Commissioner Harley Masters

VELCROIERTRIS ETn e ITER C Reason Im thinking that we need to make her EINTIIES Mitchell County North Carolina Commissioner Harley Masters

avatar Anthony Miller
they have no idea im about to make bread who the hell with honey brought tang why is there a thermos of hot water in my bed Fib

they have no idea im about to make bread who the hell with honey brought tang why is there a thermos of hot water in my bed Fib

avatar Charlie Chocolate
LGBTQ saying that gogsmighto love everyone so being Igbtqs is okay Me a Christias knowing that gonx loves 1Heif Bitras weir sin Afd Saying it

LGBTQ saying that gogsmighto love everyone so being Igbtqs is okay Me a Christias knowing that gonx loves 1Heif Bitras weir sin Afd Saying it

avatar Agni Gauss
o Cosyluv_ No its getting pregnant by a loser Stella skyrocketstella 1d every womans biggest nightmare is late METEEES 105 PM 17 Feb 25 75M Views 311K Reposts 1074 Quotes 243K Likes 4199 Bookmarks u V N Most relevant replies v Billy Rod Thornton RealH 20h Replying to Cosyluv_ Cant be that because its happening left and right o U4 Os512 599Kk L

o Cosyluv_ No its getting pregnant by a loser Stella skyrocketstella 1d every womans biggest nightmare is late METEEES 105 PM 17 Feb 25 75M Views 311K Reposts 1074 Quotes 243K Likes 4199 Bookmarks u V N Most relevant replies v Billy Rod Thornton RealH 20h Replying to Cosyluv_ Cant be that because its happening left and right o U4 Os512 599Kk L

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