avatar Gaie Houston
After Disney unveiled images of its latest lead Elsa the Snow Queen in the upcoming Frozen fans decided hey had had enough of the typical Disney princess so they made her over Elsa per Disneys usual whitewashing other lead character Anna s also very white falls in line with their typical fair skinnned light hair blue eyes always wearing a glamorous but impractical gown L gu A awesomegirlystuff Wha

After Disney unveiled images of its latest lead Elsa the Snow Queen in the upcoming Frozen fans decided hey had had enough of the typical Disney princess so they made her over Elsa per Disneys usual whitewashing other lead character Anna s also very white falls in line with their typical fair skinnned light hair blue eyes always wearing a glamorous but impractical gown L gu A awesomegirlystuff Wha

avatar Wildone2
Dont forget to turn your clocks back this weekend Im turning mine back to when WELTe

Dont forget to turn your clocks back this weekend Im turning mine back to when WELTe

avatar Anthony Miller
avatar Wildone2
WARNING Frequency of human bear encounters Hikers please take extra precautionsf wear little noisy bells on clothjag to give advance warning andavoi srprising the animals We alsd suggest carrying pepper spray in casg of an encounter with ar Be vigilait for fresh bear activity and distinguish Black bear and Grizzly bearfeces Black bear feces are smaller and contain lots of berries and squirrel fur

WARNING Frequency of human bear encounters Hikers please take extra precautionsf wear little noisy bells on clothjag to give advance warning andavoi srprising the animals We alsd suggest carrying pepper spray in casg of an encounter with ar Be vigilait for fresh bear activity and distinguish Black bear and Grizzly bearfeces Black bear feces are smaller and contain lots of berries and squirrel fur

avatar Patricia Lee
avatar Patricia Lee
More fraud Bergen County NJ reported 219894 votes last night at midnight 100 reporting with 52 for Jack4NJ This morning Bergen County has 261528 votes 40k more votes and now shows GovMurphy as the declared winner of that county Share this Make them report it FULL AUDIT

More fraud Bergen County NJ reported 219894 votes last night at midnight 100 reporting with 52 for Jack4NJ This morning Bergen County has 261528 votes 40k more votes and now shows GovMurphy as the declared winner of that county Share this Make them report it FULL AUDIT

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