avatar Sophia Rich
After Oprahs famous You get a car episode where she gave away 276 cars at ERGIEUN Y SN T T A T YA G T recipients sent in complaints to the show as LU EG IEUNGEEL R BT R R s T R Ve Photo courtesy of oprahcom factsweird Iy A d

After Oprahs famous You get a car episode where she gave away 276 cars at ERGIEUN Y SN T T A T YA G T recipients sent in complaints to the show as LU EG IEUNGEEL R BT R R s T R Ve Photo courtesy of oprahcom factsweird Iy A d

avatar Sophia Rich
entione it blog wwwunbellevablefactsblogcom i On December 28 1973 after having worked LT G DTS EVAT O DN CELCR e L CELEMUERA GV R RS Y ET R ELERS e mutinied and shut off communications with UL R R R EA eunNnNyCe

entione it blog wwwunbellevablefactsblogcom i On December 28 1973 after having worked LT G DTS EVAT O DN CELCR e L CELEMUERA GV R RS Y ET R ELERS e mutinied and shut off communications with UL R R R EA eunNnNyCe

avatar Mark Manson
by GNEIGELV Youre laughing Influencers at Burning V EETCERV ET R R Fi1 B oley Yol T ReleplTa14 agreements and youre laughing I hadnt considered that aspect of it Now its WAY funnier SamwiseMuthafuckinGamgee

by GNEIGELV Youre laughing Influencers at Burning V EETCERV ET R R Fi1 B oley Yol T ReleplTa14 agreements and youre laughing I hadnt considered that aspect of it Now its WAY funnier SamwiseMuthafuckinGamgee

avatar Charlie Chocolate
k brandon a braandon824 i do a lot of illegal shit but littering is where i draw the line 302 PM 51722 from Merced CA Twitter for iPhone 276K Retweets 1699 Ouote Tweets 131K ikes SennVCO

k brandon a braandon824 i do a lot of illegal shit but littering is where i draw the line 302 PM 51722 from Merced CA Twitter for iPhone 276K Retweets 1699 Ouote Tweets 131K ikes SennVCO

avatar Anthony Miller
Chris Arnade g3 Follow j Chris_arnade Its 100 degrees in my room but 68 outside but cant change that because England has dumb rules

Chris Arnade g3 Follow j Chris_arnade Its 100 degrees in my room but 68 outside but cant change that because England has dumb rules

avatar Charlie Chocolate
Beingjaslacker atn ks o

Beingjaslacker atn ks o

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