Mark Manson
alocalfrog Missing emergency slide that fell off Delta flight found Theslide washed upin front of the house of a lawyer whose firm happens to be suing Boeing over safety issues Trapped on the rocks in a freak coincidence was the emergency slide that fell off the Boeing 767 jetliner sHowcase 3n Q Can you imagine suing Boeing and coming home to find Boeings faulty plane parts washed up in vour backy
Agni Gauss
UIBlism comm o Follow 5 e WHEIRGIERTCS a UIBYlism comm open dotgo 13h I think moths are pretty cool 1617 06 Oct 24 2M Views
Patricia Lee
L ELRVCIVES K SN e L joke from 2 hours ago so you gotta lockginiso ppl dont f thinkyoUfalpsychopath
Mark Manson
9 My best friend lives a plane ride away and hate planes Id still fly a trillion hours to see her though My friends live down the street and havent seen them in months
Anthony Miller