Apolitical B GELLITE Ty As a child you have a romantic vision SR GERCl e AW TRy Yo olole Ko NV EINEIVERW DN aRaT XTole K How horrific and jarring it is when you L E A CE PR S T A N CIE A GR G corpses of the good guys while the most evil disgusting creatures currently run the world
Mark Manson
Someone tried to trademark the term September 11 2001 on 911 By Matt Novak 000006 Abusinessman named Mot Shniberg actually tried to trademark the term September 11 2001 And he wasted no time doing so Shniberg filed his application on that very day as the Twin Towers and Pentagon were still smoldering Thankfully the US patent and trademark office rejected his application
Jacob Junior
ActEgen i s wekshing me pavss m lma zmsm mls
Isabella Lewis
You may be thinking jeez somebody help That guy is drowning Fear not he uses his gills l to breath underwater l
Jeremy Jordan
Me explaining to my dog that I love her and would die for her My dog
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