avatar Gaie Houston
AW RV T R fe T R T bedroom asking Do you ever get a shooting pain across your body like someones got a voodoo doll of you and theyre stabbing it replied No She yelled back How about now

AW RV T R fe T R T bedroom asking Do you ever get a shooting pain across your body like someones got a voodoo doll of you and theyre stabbing it replied No She yelled back How about now

avatar Charlie Chocolate
Her You better not act stupid when give you some either VEERCAEERGER B

Her You better not act stupid when give you some either VEERCAEERGER B

avatar jojo9
when you rediscover an old song and it still hit the same

when you rediscover an old song and it still hit the same

avatar веста
МЧНННЦИНЕОСИу эннонщщия Дорогая у тебя что Шмузыкальное образованиеесть онр орн НетСчего В е ан о Дты ВЗяЛо А на хя ты мне каждый вечер концерты закатываешь

МЧНННЦИНЕОСИу эннонщщия Дорогая у тебя что Шмузыкальное образованиеесть онр орн НетСчего В е ан о Дты ВЗяЛо А на хя ты мне каждый вечер концерты закатываешь

avatar Isabella Lewis
Hopefully theyre just burning enchanted wood

Hopefully theyre just burning enchanted wood

avatar Joseph Mitchell
TAM 56iscomingl1872 3h Suited and booted see yous on the other side x o3 nu2 VEY hisek Q james english t249 1h If this is the path you have chosen to go down I hope you do it painlessly for the sake of your REWIA Prick TAM 56iscoming1872 th What you calling me a prick for went to a fucking job interview 3 jut a7 Q james english 9 Oh ok mate no dramas thought you were tweeting about killing yoursel

TAM 56iscomingl1872 3h Suited and booted see yous on the other side x o3 nu2 VEY hisek Q james english t249 1h If this is the path you have chosen to go down I hope you do it painlessly for the sake of your REWIA Prick TAM 56iscoming1872 th What you calling me a prick for went to a fucking job interview 3 jut a7 Q james english 9 Oh ok mate no dramas thought you were tweeting about killing yoursel

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