avatar Gaie Houston
Because hes male he being greedy if genders were reversed it be totally different Jay Cutler has 130 million in the bank Got his wife to sign a prenup She then left him citing hes lazy and wanted 5 mil from him for a new house to live in after the split Jay is now asking for half of her 15 million business in the divorce How the tables have turned

Because hes male he being greedy if genders were reversed it be totally different Jay Cutler has 130 million in the bank Got his wife to sign a prenup She then left him citing hes lazy and wanted 5 mil from him for a new house to live in after the split Jay is now asking for half of her 15 million business in the divorce How the tables have turned

avatar Gaie Houston
Second Cousin te rcmovch o b e B twice renpved may differ in West Virginia and Alabama

Second Cousin te rcmovch o b e B twice renpved may differ in West Virginia and Alabama

avatar lmanwell23
Ay 2

Ay 2

avatar jojo9
U dont know concentration until u have to carry this from the sink to the

U dont know concentration until u have to carry this from the sink to the

avatar Agni Gauss
stuttsiiso6k3asim MrHWM cuomo just asked when was the last time you saw the american military oSTolleVle e o TS T aa Ll ger a Nt P4Ta burnett says 1807 CIERIAW eIV gleSTe N QLRI aWACK le K Igle SieplellpleNele JIa A OXICH the way this country forgets what it does to native people is fucking remarkable

stuttsiiso6k3asim MrHWM cuomo just asked when was the last time you saw the american military oSTolleVle e o TS T aa Ll ger a Nt P4Ta burnett says 1807 CIERIAW eIV gleSTe N QLRI aWACK le K Igle SieplellpleNele JIa A OXICH the way this country forgets what it does to native people is fucking remarkable

avatar NottodaySATAN
LIRS e _ ML Let it pour from the heavens that hot dark rain Bathe me in red I will drink the wine of their s fice

LIRS e _ ML Let it pour from the heavens that hot dark rain Bathe me in red I will drink the wine of their s fice

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