Charlie Chocolate
berserk srslyberserk The states that want to ban abortion also have these signs nugvnyr daughter
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene RepMTG Ill add on The Democrat DOJ will prosecute from the bogus report Democrat controlled media will broadcast 247 like they did the Russia collusion lie Then Democrat campaign consultants will use it all in fundraising attack ads for 24 campaigns Well oiled machine Mark R Levin marklevinshow 47m 1 Pelosis Jan 6 committee will issue a truly bogus report next week based
Gaie Houston
Stephen King StephenKing 2d Why have journalists had their Twitter IV SEETE It t A L FEEER G T WY T it had better be a GOOD explanation Q 43Kk 1 323Kk Q 254K A GK Brandon Herrera PR Y There had better be Or what What are you going to do Angrily write another book with more child orgies in it Fuck off 1206 PM 121622