Bill Kristol BillKristol 5h Six years ago today Trump cancels trip to Aisne Marne cemetery in France calling Marines buried there losers and suckers Qeok 133k OBk josk VINCENT OSHANA Vincent 49m 49 years ago Your wife married a lying scumbag who was a leading advocate for the 2003 ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq which killed over 1 million people including 4500 US soldiers and left over 31000 wounded in
Patricia Lee
little brother told me money is the olle FnaI TaalNTole ol oleYTe Cle R o describe this image
Sophia Rich
Hillary Clinton left 4 4 Americans to die in Benghazi she deleted 33K emails after a subpoena she stole billions from Haiti she sold Russia our uranium lies like a rug So before Chelsea Clinton wants to talk about Trump degrading America she should look at her mother
Olivia Veqqie
Buc Nasty Nastiest Hate 18 sept If I walk out hungover and the homie is cooking me this they are getting hugged from behind and a well youre up early whispered in their ear 9 Buzz Lightyear Big 17 sept Got some hungover people at the house this morning
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