Borders are just S imaginary lines onamap
WeRateDogs dog_rates 4620 This is Nellie Shes an astronaut Please dont interrupt her spacewalk 1310 17 132K Q21k N NASA NASA 4620 fucking fat stupid dog RV 144248 Q65K i
Jacob Junior
Oh alright then Well wanna just head back to my place and eat Now youre talking concrete
was reading a cookbook from the 80s and stumbled across this gem oysters ana uquu gently fold oygtons X Well Adqq with pepper Bake at 400 yp tilopeli in q brow g Dont remove liquid which ma Ned and pyp 20 minutes come to top Baye mully Betty Floyd Parker Montgomery Counciy NEW_TURKEY DRESSING 4c crushed dry bread 12 c uncooked popcorn 2 c sage 1 tsp salt 14 c onions 5 c broth 112 c celery Mix well