avatar Zoe ZZZ
BUT WAIT THERES MORE David Tennant the 10th Doctor met the daughter of Peter Davison the 5th Doctor on the set of the Doctor Who episode The Doctors Daughter where she played the Doctors daughter After they married she gave birth to a daughter So essentially the Doctor married the Doctors daughter after she played the Doctors daughter upon which she gave birth to the Doctors daughter who is also t

BUT WAIT THERES MORE David Tennant the 10th Doctor met the daughter of Peter Davison the 5th Doctor on the set of the Doctor Who episode The Doctors Daughter where she played the Doctors daughter After they married she gave birth to a daughter So essentially the Doctor married the Doctors daughter after she played the Doctors daughter upon which she gave birth to the Doctors daughter who is also t

avatar Darkness9
avatar jojo9
she loves wearing my cedar and sage cologne when we go LOVE spraying my wifes tommy girl perfume into my beard after my shower outl its great i smell pretty and no one knows its me MUST buy her more perfume now

she loves wearing my cedar and sage cologne when we go LOVE spraying my wifes tommy girl perfume into my beard after my shower outl its great i smell pretty and no one knows its me MUST buy her more perfume now

avatar John Paul
Once when was a kid took an umbrella ran about halfway up my porch steps opened it up and jumped down And kept doing this thinking 1 would fly away or at least be carried by the wind Then all of a sudden busy running and jumping heard laughter stopped and saw my neighbor but before could be embarrassed he kindly chuckled and said it didnt work he tried it too when he was a kid He was an old man an

Once when was a kid took an umbrella ran about halfway up my porch steps opened it up and jumped down And kept doing this thinking 1 would fly away or at least be carried by the wind Then all of a sudden busy running and jumping heard laughter stopped and saw my neighbor but before could be embarrassed he kindly chuckled and said it didnt work he tried it too when he was a kid He was an old man an

avatar Gaie Houston
Who is putting all the Math books in the Horror section

Who is putting all the Math books in the Horror section

avatar jojo9
Australia vs US language poPamEMES differences R Bloke Man Cyclone Hurricane Lift Elevator Shopping centre Shopping mall Universal healthcare

Australia vs US language poPamEMES differences R Bloke Man Cyclone Hurricane Lift Elevator Shopping centre Shopping mall Universal healthcare

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