avatar Gaie Houston
Can we get a based dad thread going on be me 4 years old 20ksJpe dad takes me to medonalds for chicken nuggies and fwench fwies spot a group of fat women sitting in the corner of the lobby as were waiting in line point and scream at the top of my lungs LOOK DAD FAT PEOPLE in an attempt to make my dad laugh dad lets out the absolute loudest cackle all three women stare at us in shock shhhhhh anonnn

Can we get a based dad thread going on be me 4 years old 20ksJpe dad takes me to medonalds for chicken nuggies and fwench fwies spot a group of fat women sitting in the corner of the lobby as were waiting in line point and scream at the top of my lungs LOOK DAD FAT PEOPLE in an attempt to make my dad laugh dad lets out the absolute loudest cackle all three women stare at us in shock shhhhhh anonnn

avatar Agni Gauss
W1k 1un facr 2229 Drowning in salt water is different than drowning in fresh water It takes longer and salt water draws blood out of cells into the lungs You drown in your own blood

W1k 1un facr 2229 Drowning in salt water is different than drowning in fresh water It takes longer and salt water draws blood out of cells into the lungs You drown in your own blood

avatar Zoe ZZZ
ShouldrShoulder mayudet

ShouldrShoulder mayudet

avatar Agni Gauss
IT It goes aown It should go down like this W s W VOMMY

IT It goes aown It should go down like this W s W VOMMY

avatar Agni Gauss
Kim Lets be the Flintstones Kanye love that Kim Ill be Betty and you can be Barney Kanye Nah fuck that

Kim Lets be the Flintstones Kanye love that Kim Ill be Betty and you can be Barney Kanye Nah fuck that

avatar Patricia Lee
N if youre changing your life around yo say 180 NOT 360 Wtf did a complete 360 Im back on my bullshit

N if youre changing your life around yo say 180 NOT 360 Wtf did a complete 360 Im back on my bullshit

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