Jacob Junior
CETQACTITeTe 7 J1eTe lt 10Y Since Drugs won the War on Drugs Terror won the War on Terror and O VTa g VA eTa R i s CRAUET o Ta M alo VT g YA think its time America stop o T Ta T ANETESIE T 1 g IS A g To U g EF
Gaie Houston
SAYING Abboitrefused o uut_cgglm oS Gets COVID by noWearingamask ata party Infects howmany childrend 1 Abbott kad ioncheil hese chiliren would that Ie any more criminal than him expesing Sl hem with the virus
Gaie Houston
An intact house from the village of Skara Brae Orkney Islands Scotland occupied 3180BC 2500BC uncovered in a storm in the 19th century It is older than the Great Pyramids and Stongehenge
Gaie Houston