avatar Wildone2
DEETHIVE BT BT Please respect him owe my life to Justin T UT V IS o o o i U W RVYE TR Welely 1 F for 4 months due to a terrible car ET 111 8 One day my nurse turned the radio to Justins song Soi got up UL RROTGEG R RGN ED R

DEETHIVE BT BT Please respect him owe my life to Justin T UT V IS o o o i U W RVYE TR Welely 1 F for 4 months due to a terrible car ET 111 8 One day my nurse turned the radio to Justins song Soi got up UL RROTGEG R RGN ED R

avatar Wildone2
A Lt b L 9 y N a lp

A Lt b L 9 y N a lp

avatar Wildone2
Trying to understand some people is like trying to pick a turd STl VA T Nel LY W Te

Trying to understand some people is like trying to pick a turd STl VA T Nel LY W Te

avatar Jacob Junior
Bu Noor leVMplelo g53C VVETaa s aleA Ve 1Ue RV eI VR F11alT g o1 Il Te RiaRillnge QUrAVERE I nalEle WIET R Gl i N O 91 Heroes liberals LGBT 9 1647 votes 10 hours 42 minutes left

Bu Noor leVMplelo g53C VVETaa s aleA Ve 1Ue RV eI VR F11alT g o1 Il Te RiaRillnge QUrAVERE I nalEle WIET R Gl i N O 91 Heroes liberals LGBT 9 1647 votes 10 hours 42 minutes left

avatar Olivia Veqqie
First day he job boss is a real asshole Always on my back about shit

First day he job boss is a real asshole Always on my back about shit

avatar Joseph Mitchell
Dad why do people give up freedom for security sweetie They create a problem The problem creates areaction If there is enough fear and hysteria people will not only accept the solution that limits their rights but they will actually beg for it

Dad why do people give up freedom for security sweetie They create a problem The problem creates areaction If there is enough fear and hysteria people will not only accept the solution that limits their rights but they will actually beg for it

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