avatar Gaie Houston
Dexerto Dexerto 3 Std Elon Musk is considering buying Hasbro to secure the rights to DD DUNGEONS SPDRAGONS

Dexerto Dexerto 3 Std Elon Musk is considering buying Hasbro to secure the rights to DD DUNGEONS SPDRAGONS

avatar Charlie Chocolate
insomniac arrest lava and jellyfish are two incredibly attractive substances that beg my monkey brain to touch them but simultaneously would be the absolute worst possible things to touch LOOK AT THAT GOOP pretty iridescent LUSCIOUS forbidden touch objects THINGS WANT Lym TOTOUCH 2 thank you for coming to my ted talk joke 33152 notes Q

insomniac arrest lava and jellyfish are two incredibly attractive substances that beg my monkey brain to touch them but simultaneously would be the absolute worst possible things to touch LOOK AT THAT GOOP pretty iridescent LUSCIOUS forbidden touch objects THINGS WANT Lym TOTOUCH 2 thank you for coming to my ted talk joke 33152 notes Q

avatar Olivia Veqqie
Yo it Someone die dies else dies its youre correlation not causation Yo

Yo it Someone die dies else dies its youre correlation not causation Yo

avatar Zoe ZZZ
Jealous Boyfriend Filmed Himself Torturing Girlfriend to Death Tattooed Humiliating Words on Her Chest L M VETS A California man was found guilty of torturing and murdering his girlfriend after abusing and filming her for several days and tattooing degrad ing words on her chest according to a report After just one day of deliberation on October 15 a jury found Saul C Nava guilty of multiple charge

Jealous Boyfriend Filmed Himself Torturing Girlfriend to Death Tattooed Humiliating Words on Her Chest L M VETS A California man was found guilty of torturing and murdering his girlfriend after abusing and filming her for several days and tattooing degrad ing words on her chest according to a report After just one day of deliberation on October 15 a jury found Saul C Nava guilty of multiple charge

avatar Jeremy Jordan
Y7 GubbaHomestead Your doctor will tell you not to give honey to your baby under 12 months old but will gladly give your baby 25 doses of the most toxic GEEENEE TR E LT TR AN GEYe R You see how insane that is right 1204 PM Nov 21 2024 4212K Views a2k Q 20k Benjamin Bryan BenBryant201 16h If honey had a 1000 profit margin with incentive programs and kickbacks your doctor would tell you it was safe

Y7 GubbaHomestead Your doctor will tell you not to give honey to your baby under 12 months old but will gladly give your baby 25 doses of the most toxic GEEENEE TR E LT TR AN GEYe R You see how insane that is right 1204 PM Nov 21 2024 4212K Views a2k Q 20k Benjamin Bryan BenBryant201 16h If honey had a 1000 profit margin with incentive programs and kickbacks your doctor would tell you it was safe

avatar ROFL
У нас в подъезде живут геолог вахтовик ШГе е о К 5 вершин капитан дальнего плавания и я о7 1е не 1е Й

У нас в подъезде живут геолог вахтовик ШГе е о К 5 вершин капитан дальнего плавания и я о7 1е не 1е Й

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