Military worship is a symptom of nationalism NEY I E1I Y ng NS To o ol oNe Tpgool r Tos AN M o g N 1 R0 Selpa Ll al ol TI o o o XTTAVN CoXo ida g A XUk i g o licked one day a year Random people shaking my 1o To T To 17 1o To A N o Tl TR o o IV Y1 VA o R e LTS N glaToRTo M o 1 WIS o o oXYo Mel o lo W oTToT o CH IEY1aVTe B If you want to demonstrate your appreciation for the the many sacrifices of t
This is Todd He saved his human from a rattlesnake yesterday A true hckin hero Hes expected to make a full recovery and has been rewarded our fifth ever 1510
Jacob Junior
VI ETEL N 1To R o ReRV Y 1053 longer than meat eaters Nine horrible worthless oETedo g TRV T8
Patricia Lee
quazp gcom INFINTY R TR ETR sn f you ever see me running you better run too because thjes something coming o R A o e R e e e A
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