emily Q emilykmay w the thing about taylor swift is that she so perfectly encapsulates through her lyrics the interior lives of women Its why we all cant stop listening Were all saying wait you felt that way we were all feeling this way do men have someone like that Al Contts x arn I f Fils
John Paul
Anonymous 041123TueU39402 No578U8305 Uncles a nam vet Has ptsd like its going out of style aunt adopts a little dog a toy breed mutt mutt do be fartin 202KBPNG 54 ot one night uncles inna kitchen looking for a pot to cook in dog behind him rips a very sharp fart uncle immediately flashed back to a sniper round pounding his buddys head off uncle flips out and whips a cast iron pot at the dog pot hi
Jacob Junior
POV your introverted girlfriend shows you her phone at a party Ao maybe Taco Bell run on the way home they have a new menu
Charlie Chocolate
When you tell your man you caugnt the bouquet
Charlie Chocolate
Girls guys never get our Girls hints
Mark Manson
Q_ samson300foxes Al Images Videos Shopping Fort 4 Al Overview BTN 4 i In the Bible Samson caught 300 foxes and set them on fire to burn the Philistines crops as revenge for his wife being given to another man The story In Judges 154 Samson caught 300 foxes tied their tails Show more v
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