avatar Sophia Rich
End Wokeness ndW es San Francisco just appointed Virgie Tovar as their Weight Stigma Czar Im working with a team at the as a consultant on Jweight stigma weight neutrality

End Wokeness ndW es San Francisco just appointed Virgie Tovar as their Weight Stigma Czar Im working with a team at the as a consultant on Jweight stigma weight neutrality

avatar Mark Manson
metakuna 14100 blog posts 11h As aman Were pregnant Cringe Pathetic B E G EI RGN My wife is pregnant Classic Married Good so its not a sin Im pregnant Intriguing Preserves your partners privacy Taking all the credit

metakuna 14100 blog posts 11h As aman Were pregnant Cringe Pathetic B E G EI RGN My wife is pregnant Classic Married Good so its not a sin Im pregnant Intriguing Preserves your partners privacy Taking all the credit

avatar Olivia Veqqie
How it feel when text bro at 4am And he replies

How it feel when text bro at 4am And he replies

avatar Jeremy Jordan
I ey o b g 1y 8 Cobweb Covered Skeleton Gripping Senate Desk Expected To Seek 15th Term the ONION

I ey o b g 1y 8 Cobweb Covered Skeleton Gripping Senate Desk Expected To Seek 15th Term the ONION

avatar Jeremy Jordan
e Tea is an evil substance Tea is much mor dangerous then beer Please avold drinking tea overed this last night 1 had drunk 14 s up until 300 am at the pub while my just drinking tea at home she was when got home 1 was peaceful silent ded to bed as long and even pight A it t morning into the ne

e Tea is an evil substance Tea is much mor dangerous then beer Please avold drinking tea overed this last night 1 had drunk 14 s up until 300 am at the pub while my just drinking tea at home she was when got home 1 was peaceful silent ded to bed as long and even pight A it t morning into the ne

avatar jojo9
Flicks cigarette after a long drag Heres the thing If Santa knows when kids are naughty or nice then he knew Rudolph was being bullied

Flicks cigarette after a long drag Heres the thing If Santa knows when kids are naughty or nice then he knew Rudolph was being bullied

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