Charlie Chocolate
Anonymous ID HGAEXD 1 092221Wed071345 No340339781 atMcDonalds first day of vaccine passports go to McDonalds m barge in wagie at the door stammering uhhhh sir sir need to see your proof 121 ke pNG Of vaccination for what you need to be vaccinated to enter the resuarant sir since when There is a vaccine mandates sir at this point open my phone and proceed to play phone games at max volume what do y
Isabella Lewis
A The worlds strongest coffee AKA Death Wish Coffee contains 200 more caffeine LUETRGIERETE TN ol ol o fofel i T M I ENg T tetelpalaglalo o ol g oTTol ol SRVVI g W lT g4 ologloilelgt Rel g oTTol ol SRVVI o TORNVE g1 f OS ST o R4 some point in the next 3 days Pandemonica
Anthony Miller